Hey folks -

Here's the first monthly newsletter from The Marsh!

This one for December 2024.

There really isn't any major news here - other than a reminder that I Owe This Land a Body comes out on January 3rd, 2025! It's an album about how the least we can have the decency to do is die - and I'm enormously proud of it. There are three singles available currently, all on your preferred streaming service.

The next single "Un-make me, save me from the hell of living" comes out on December 14th, and - spoiler alert - it's a chiptune song. So get ready.

You can pre-order IOTLAB on cassette, cd, and digitally on Bandcamp or Ampwall.

Oh! Also, I checked out my Spotify wrapped for 2024, and just wanted to thank every single person who checked out MEGAFAUNA this year, I really can't overstate how grateful I am.

Last thing: I am hosting a special solstice screening of Nosferatu w/ my original score - the even is on discord, and it's free. Its an effort to bring people together on the longest night of the year. If you're interested, please request an invitation by e-mailing


I released a song recently called Beira, named after the goddess of winter - I think it's pretty good and I hope you'll check it out. Available on Bandcamp, Ampwall, and streaming.


SMR is going into hibernation mode in 2025, there will be no new releases as I start to clear the SMR order backlog and work hard to start 2026 fresh and new. I don't know what SMR will look like then, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, there are still releases coming out this year, and they're all real fucking good. Click the album art to go check 'em out.

Last thing - on New Years Even, I'll be hosting the 2nd annual sticky awards, and a live show called REQUIEM. I hope you'll join us on Bandcamp. It's only $5. ALSO - if you'd like to vote in the Stickies, you can do so right here.

The Marsh

Get information about what's going on with MEGAFAUNA, Grumm Trencher, and Syrup Moose Records - once a month.

Read more from The Marsh
A person with a creepy mask standing in the woods

Hey Folks - Here's what we're doing: I have re-exported and added the entirety of my Bandcamp mailing lists for Syrup Moose Records, MEGAFAUNA, and Grumm Trencher into one, here on Kit, that I am calling - The Marsh. If you'd like to receive updates about any of these things, you don't have to do anything. If you'd like to stop - feel free to unsubscribe. Absolutely no pressure, no hard feelings. The plan going forward, FYI - is to send out a monthly newsletter, The Mire, The Marsh, covering...